Tag Archives: Basketball

Homeschool & Life Updates


I’ve had so many friends and family ask how homeschooling is going. I can honestly say that it is going so well! We took a few weeks off at Christmas, but we’re pushing through to get our 180 days (as required by the state) in so when those awesome spring/summer days come along we can take “Nice Days” (as opposed to snow days!) and play outside!

I’ve also had many ask about our curriculum choices and how they’re going for us. So I’m scheduling posts regarding our curriculum over the next few days.

The boys seem to love it as well (although they have requested ‘more crafts’)….I’m working on that 😉

In other news, things with the church plant are going very well.

The big boys are playing Upward Basketball right now, and having a great time. We’ve completed the practice portion of the season and are now onto games. It has been neat watching them grasp the concept of the game!